A Lot

Nathaniel is just coming up on two and a half years old.  As you can see, I am not one of those parents with a 30 month old child.  Puhleeze.

Now he has been quite the verbal super star of late.  Going from his little observant self to Mr. Talky Talkerson.  “Mama, where’d Jakey go?  I don’t find him… Right back.”

He is especially into telling us what he likes and does not like.  “I need more cheese.  No, A LOT.”  This is in reference to the sprinkling of Parmesan, or the sprinkling of powdered sugar.

Yesterday we went to Old Navy for some summertime pajamas and as we were crossing the parking lot, Nate points to a bright blue car as it passes us.  “Oooh.  I yike that one.  That a Coool Car.”  Fortunately the driver overheard this evaluation and gave us a friendly smile.  I think it was a Ford Focus.

Today at the grocery store, Natesy continued to tell me all about what he likes and what I like.  “I love chicken.  You love chicken, too, Mama.”

And a week or two ago I was changing his diaper and he tells me.  “I LOVE boobs.”

Yep, that’s what he said.


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