
Those of you who follow this blog may remember the great kitchen remodel of 2012.  No, that’s not the number of months it took, that’s the year it finally ended.  Or did it bleed into 2013?  Who can remember, my life is a blur.

Anyway, so part of that remodel was actually updating our laundry room and the adjacent half bath.  Yes dear guests, we do in fact have a guest bathroom!  Please visit it next time you’re over so I don’t feel obliged to throw 200 bath toys in the linen closet.  You’ll find the guest bathroom door just over the summit of Laundry Mountain.

In case you don’t recall, and you wouldn’t because most people didn’t even know we had a guest bath, the walls were tiled in pink and teal with black accents.  When we were making decisions on the remodel, we decided we’d go with just plain painted walls, nothing outrageous.  By that point in the process, we did in fact probably have enough tile given we still had boxes from our first bathroom remodel, but we were tired of fancy camping and starting to feel that sense of poverty that grips you toward the end of any enduring home renovation project.  So, James made the decision that we didn’t need to reinstall tile at chair rail height within the confines of this small bathroom’s walls.  He may refute this assertion, but I’ve taken over this blog and I document the stories as I remember them.

In the meantime, Little Nake is now Big Boy Nake.  And what do Big Boys do? (we hope) Develop an interest in that crazy porcelain bowl otherwise known as indoor-plumbing-and-the-best-thing-that’s-happened-to-people-in-modern-history-as-far-as-I’m-concerned.  Don’t challenge me on this, I will most likely fight you till the death.

So Big Boy Nake has been using the potty almost once a night for a number of weeks now.  This is real and tangible progress!  And we rarely give him chocolate!  Just a lot of high-fiving and cheering.

Only problem?  He’ll only go standing up.  (Boys.).  And in most instances it’s a little potty party with two well-intentioned, easily-distracted little boys dancing around the throne.

Let’s just say we definitely made a mistake in not tiling the walls.  BIG mistake.


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