The Fox & the Crow

So this morning we woke-up and James made the purple sippy cup for Nate, AGAIN, and the green sippy cup for Jake.  Of course, Nate immediately commenced with his wailing, howling and grieving for the loss of his bottle.

I began to waiver.  I felt my resolve waning.  It was 6:00am.  Can I really hold-out longer than this one-year-old?  Am I tough enough?  Will this little cherubic combatant wring every ounce of purpose out of me?  Do I have what it takes?…

Then Daddy had an idea, “Hey Jake, pretend you’re drinking it.”

“MMMMMmmmm.  I’m going to drink this whole baba all gone.  No more for Nakesy!”  (His spontaneous improvisation was impressive.)

It was like the fox and the crow.  (Note: Both James and I tried this same tactic last night without so much as a pause in the protest.)

Our little crow smiled and laughed in his usual way, quick grabbed his new big boy baba from his brother, climbed up into our bed, laid down on my pillow and drank the entire thing.


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