Sock Loser

Natesy is a sock loser.  We’ve already lost a red driving shoe and two red cowboy boot socks.  We’re down to only one pair of red argyles.  This reminds me of a quote I will never forget from Carson on Queer Eye for the Straight Guy, “My mom always said red shoes are only for hookers and babies.”  Personally I’m a fan of red shoes.  Maybe that’s why he doesn’t have a show anymore.

In any case, Nate gets this unique lost sock trait from his Daddy… of course.

One day James says to me, “Have you noticed that Nate rubs his feet together just like me?”
“Hmmmm, no I hadn’t.  You rub your feet together?”
“Yeah, you know how you hate the sound it makes?”
“Oh yeah… that is kind of weird.”
“Nate does the exact same thing.”
“You’re right, he does.  How can the way you rub your feet together be genetic?”

This sounds like a question for Research and Development.

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