I’d like to warn the world that on or near 7pm, each and every night, it’s “Naked Jacob Time.”  Technically, it’s actually bath time, but this involves taking off all his clothes… which if you weren’t aware, is apparently one of the most exciting things that can ever happen to a two-year-old boy.  I warn you because if you are walking or driving by, or are happening to visit at that time, you will get a show.  Arms up in the air, feet planted firmly apart, big trouble-making grin on his face, a little jig, and exclamations of “Naked Jacob Tiiiiiiime!” No worries… there won’t be any photos accompanying this post.  Rule #1 of raising internet savvy kids: No naked pictures on the internet.

So, this obsession with nudity has led to Jake’s aptitude for pointing out any and all people wearing varying degrees of clothing.  A male jogger without his shirt on?  Pointing and an inconveniently loud, “Naaaked!”

An embarrassed Nonna got a taste of the naked sightings, daily, when strolling the beach with Jakey in Florida.  You can only imagine how many people in bathing suits were declared “Naked!”… young and old, male and female alike.


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