Doll Baby Cillo

For Christmas, Jakey got a lot of new toys… He’s been baking hundreds of cupcakes, cutting fruit (hi-ya!) and loading it into a truck with his shovel, riding his bicycle with a hat on (his “helmet”) and spending significant time in his vintage fire “enen” (we encourage engine over truck).

Santa also got him a baby doll and stroller.  One, to help him get used to the idea of a baby in the house and two, to address the stroller pushing obsession he developed in DC when visiting all sorts of little girls.  Tears literally and instantly spring from his eyes (without touching his cheeks) if you tell him he can’t push his stroller but must ride in it.

Unfortunately the holidays really messed with his sleep schedule.  He’s just now finally returning to normal.  For several weeks he would wake-up in the middle of the night and cry the following pitiful sequence: Mama, Mama, Mama… Daddy, Daddy, Daddy… Agua, agua, agua (this worked to get me up just before Christmas when he truly was burning-up with a fever.  Once something works, stick with it, right?)… Baby Cillo, Baby Cillo, Baby Cheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeello.  Meanwhile Baby Cillo is laying right next to him so I’m not exactly sure how he’s going to save him.  I’m just happy to have maintained my standing.

In any case, Jakey has really taken to Doll Baby Cillo.  He doesn’t like any of his other “guys” as much as Baby Cillo.  Harry Elefante lives in his crib, but never even gets a hug.

Every night Jake brushes Cillo’s teeth.  He lets him have some of his baba.  He tells us when “Baby Cillo” is tired.  We are constantly searching for Cillo’s hat.  Changing his diaper.  Wrapping him in blankets.  Last night Cillo sat in Daddy’s chair at the dinner table.  Cillo has his own little “nigh-nigh” and the crazy thing is, Jake has lost all recollection of his pacifier.  It’s truly shocking how successful Operation Bye-Bye Nigh-Nigh has been.

But my favorite Baby Cillo trick is that he turns off light switches every night.  At first he used his little plastic hands.  Then his feet.  Two nights ago Cillo turned off two light switches with his head.  So last night Jakey turned off the bathroom light switches with his head.  He’s quite the talented and creative doll baby.

I probably should spring for the doll baby accessories that include an appropriately sized diaper.  Seventh Generation brand just doesn’t seem to fit him right.



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