36 Weeks: Crenshaw Melon

This week is my first official full week off on baby leave.  Hallelujah.  Technically last Friday was my first free day.  James and I spent our Fandango card which has been gathering dust since October and saw The King’s Speech– good one.  And we went out to lunch.  And we had cupcakes and bought closet organizers.  It was a nearly perfect day.

Since then, the little melon and I have been cleaning closets.  You are probably saying, “Oh Jaimie, you’re just nesting.”  That could be true.  But I’m also one of those weird people who would love a quiet day just to clean closets.  The elfa closet organizers we bought have a tagline that says “Happiness is a clean closet.”  I couldn’t agree more.  Those Swedes know what they’re talking about.

Now little Cillo has some space of their own in Jakey’s World.

I had to put in some volunteer hours at Jake’s school today and Miss Dulce suggested organizing their storage closet.  She looked a little sheepish about it.

It was great.


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