Highlights & Lowlights

Every week at yoga, we share a highlight and lowlight.  Here are a few from the past month or so:

In September, I began a marathon plane journey back from DC.  I had originally chosen aisle seats for every leg of my trip.  I was making my way down the center aisle of the aircraft when I look up at the little diagram and realize my seat, E, is a center seat.  No, this is not yet the lowlight…

Lowlight: I get to my seat and, on either side, to use the words of one of my favorite authors, Alexander McCall Smith, are two traditionally built women.  The armrests could not be put down and I endured a flight squashed in like a sardine… touching the thighs of two strangers.

Highlight: It was the skinniest I’ve felt in months.

Highlight: My old neighbor told me that one of my sweater dress/tall boot maternity outfits was cute.

Highlight: A week or two later I ran into two of my old coworkers, including my dear administrative assistant, Rosemary.  I miss Rose!

Lowlight: When I told them I was pregnant, Rosemary said, “I thought you were just getting fat.”

Maybe I don’t miss Rose that much…

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