
This is my last blog…

Not ever!  Just about the topic of all the words Jakey can say.  At 18 months, we’ve hit a vocab barrage.  What has made this especially challenging is that our little copykitten is now a parrot.  Honestly, he can say just about anything I can come up with: Halloween, School, Double ovens, Fireplace, Bread machine, Ocean, Cupcakes.  Even when we try to trick him with Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious, he says “docious.”  So, it’s getting a bit difficult to know what words he actually knows, and what he’s just repeating.  These words pop up spontaneously, on a daily basis.

Agua.  Airplane.  All done.  All right.  Apple.  Arm.  Baby.  Baila (Dance).  Baba.  Ba-bye. Ball.  Bath time.  Boppy.  Bubble.  Button!  Birdie.  Bless you.  Brush.  Bucket.  BumpIt (Fist bumping).  Car.  Cheese.  Chin.  Choo choo.  Cracker.  Clap.  Da Da.  Dame (Give me). Dip, Dip.  Down.  Diaper.  Doggie.  Ear.  Eat.  Elephant.  Eyes.  Flower.  Fun!  Goal.  Hat.  Hi.  Halloween.  Highchair.  Hot.  i-Yo.  JJ.  Kit cat (Kitty Cat).  Key.  Light.  Ma Ma.  Mine.  More.  Nana (Banana).  Nigh-nigh.  No.  Nose.  Oh no.  Outside!  Owie.  Pan (Bread).  Pillow.  Phone.  Poo poo.  Pee pee.  Pumpkin.  Read book.  Running.  See.  Shoe.  Shower.  Soap.  Sock.  Spoon.  Stop.  Toes.  Towel.  Uh oh.  Up.  Wash hands.  Whatizit?  Open.  Sit down (while patting the floor).  Wow.  Yes.  Zana/Anya (Manzana)… 85.

If there happen to be canines around, Jakey’s ability to speak devolves to 1 word, “doggie.” And a lot of pointing.

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