
I’ll take “Baby Milestones” for 400.

Answer: 9 months.

“When does the connection start between men and their remote controls?”

Today is Jakey’s 9 month birthday.  And tonight we watched him creep along the ottoman, 4 or 5 steps, to get to the remote control.  He then managed to change the channel from a riveting episode of House Hunters International to Jeopardy.

I thought I read something about walking at 13 months in one of those questionable parenting magazines?  That’s still 4 months from now.  Almost half Jake’s current age.  I still have 4 months before I have to chase around a toddler, right?  Right?  Hello, Alex?

Jake at 9 Months


  1. Next it will be your phone. And then the remote will become the remote doubling as a phone. He will find options with your cable box you never knew exisited!
    He’ll keep you guessing – my friend Kerry’s son walked at 10 months (he was born 5-ish days before Costa). I’m placing my bet on 10.5 months!

  2. Pingback: Elmer

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